Outstanding Young Alumni Award, University of South Florida, 2020
Woman of the year Award, ONE, https://www.one.org/us/blog/ones-2018-women-of-the-year-awards/
Goalkeeper for the Global Goals, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, United States
Women in Leadership and Philanthropy Endowed Scholarship (WLP), University of South Florida, United States
Lisa De Safey Inaugural Award for Patient-Centered Communication, USF Health, United States
Best Scientific Research Poster, College of Public Health, University of South Florida, United States
Golden Bull Award, University of South Florida, United States
Global Achievement Awards Recipient, University of South Florida World, United States
Fulbright scholarship recipient, U.S Government, United States
Nominee, Gates Institute, 120 under 40 leaders for family planning, United States
World Fellowship Recipient, Delta Kappa Gamma, United States
Académie de la Jeunes Elite du Bénin, Women of Leadership Award, Benin
Best Youth Organization Award, (Oscar de la jeunesse), Ministry of Youth Affairs, Bénin
United Nations Special Envoy Youth of Courage Award, Semifinalist, United States
Ten Outstanding Young person, Humanitarian Service, Junior Chamber International, Benin
Top 30 most influential and inspiring young women from Africa, Moremi Initiative, Ghana
Top 10 outstanding women leaders in Benin, International Organization of Francophonie, France
Semifinalist of the Medical Excellence Trophy, Benin
Winner of the Martin Luther King Speech Contest, Benin
Berlin Model United Nations, BERMUN 2009, John Fitzgerald Kennedy School, Germany
Berlin Model United Nations, BERMUN 2008, John Fitzgerald Kennedy School, Germany